What notifications have triggered for a user
What notifications have triggered for a user
This is for use with the ETL files delivered to Impact customers for reporting purposes.
/*What notifications have been triggered by a user*/
Select pi.name as program_name,p.patient_id,t.message_type ,c.notification_type, t.recipient_type,t.status,t.created_at,t.triggered_aggregation_type,t.rule_metric_type,t.triggered_value,t.rule_comparator,t.rule_threshold,t.rule_metric_unit
From patient_program_history as h
/*To get latest upload time */
Inner Join patient_info as p on p.user_program_id = h.user_program_id
/*To get program name */
Inner Join program_info as pi on pi.program_id = h.program_id
/*To isolate last status update timestamp for users_program_id*/
Inner Join
(Select user_program_id,max(updated_at) as updated_at From patient_program_history as h Group by user_program_id
) as max on (max.user_program_id = h.user_program_id AND max.updated_at = h.updated_at)
/*Below connects user_program_id to user through notification_config*/
Inner Join notification_configuration as c on c.user_program_id = p.user_program_id
Inner Join notification_tracking as t on t.patient_id = c.patient_id
Inner Join patient_program as pp on pp.user_program_id = p.user_program_id
Inner Join provider_info as pr on pr.provider_id = pp.reviewing_provider_id
/*To exclude user_program_id that isn't active or on the way to active*/
Where h.user_program_id not in (Select user_program_id From patient_program_history as h Where h.status in ('Unenrolled','Archived','Abandoned') Group by user_program_id)
/*Update the patient_id below to pull for one user*/
and p.patient_id = '3823abdda4db13203c999fb322ad5854'
Order by t.created_at DESC
, multiple selections available,