Count of active users in Programs

Count of active users in Programs

The below query will pull back either user that is active in programs or those on their way to being active users in programs.

Query is written in PostgreSQL

/*Pulls count of active user status in programs Only as current as the day your last export came to you...*/ Select pi.name as program_name,h.status,count(distinct p.validic_id) as user_count From patient_program_history as h /*To get latest upload time */ Inner Join patient_info as p on p.user_program_id = h.user_program_id /*To get program name */ Inner Join program_info as pi on pi.program_id = h.program_id /*To isolate last status update timestamp for users_program_id*/ Inner Join (Select user_program_id,max(updated_at) as updated_at From patient_program_history as h Group by user_program_id ) as max on (max.user_program_id = h.user_program_id AND max.updated_at = h.updated_at) /*To exclude user_program_id that isn't active or on the way to active*/ Where h.user_program_id not in (Select user_program_id From patient_program_history as h Where h.status in ('Unenrolled','Archived','Abandoned') Group by user_program_id) /*uncomment and add program name below if you want to isolate to one program*/ --and pi.name = '<Program_Name>' Group by pi.name ,h.status Order by 1,2;