Inform Sleep Score

Inform Sleep Score

This article pertains to: Inform (v2)

As part of the  Inform API, Validic makes available Sleep data from sources that support it. Included in that data is a metric called sleep_score.

This metric is one that applies to several different data sources. Each of those sources has their own way of calculating the value that we present as sleep_score.

For example, Fitbit has a value that they present to their users in the Fitbit app that is also called Sleep Score. It is important to note that this is not the same value that is available in the API that Validic has mapped to sleep_score.

The value that Fitbit makes available via their API is called sleep_efficiency. That metric is a simple calculation of time asleep / (total time in bed - time to fall asleep), based on Fitbit's definition.

The Sleep Score that Fitbit currently presents in the Fitbit app is not based on this calculation. Fitbit does not disclose how the new Sleep Score is calculated nor is that metric available in the Fitbit API.

Because of this, the value that is available in the Validic Inform API for sleep_score will not be the same as what a user sees in their Fitbit app.