Garmin Intensity Minutes and Active Seconds

Garmin Intensity Minutes and Active Seconds

This article pertains to: Legacy API (V1)

Are Intensity Minutes shown in Garmin Connect the same as active_secs from the Validic API?

When viewing Garmin's routine data breakdown in the Garmin Connect portal/app, there is a section that contains what Garmin labels as Intensity Minutes. These minutes are currently unavailable from Garmin and thus unavailable from Validic. These Intensity Minutes do not correlate with the active_secs value that is available from Garmin and Validic.

Garmin defines active_secs as the "Portion of the monitoring period (in seconds) in which the device wearer was active for this activity type." They do not mention what the thresholds are to be considered active, but we have found using a small sample size that you will receive 1 active minute (60 active_secs) per 1,000 steps taken.