Retrieving a Mapping of Validic User IDs with UIDs
Retrieving a Mapping of Validic User IDs with UIDs
This article pertains to: Legacy API (V1)
We provisioned a set of users but at a later point we lost their Validic user IDs. Can we still retrieve them if we only have the users' unique IDs which we used to provision them?
Yes. You are able to retrieve their corresponding Validic user IDs by making the users.json API call below. The API response will include both the Validic User ID and UID for every user provisioned in your organization.
GET https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/{ORGANIZATION_ID}/users.json?access_token={ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN}
"summary": {
"users": [
"_id": "{VALIDIC_USER_ID}",
"uid": "{UID}"
"_id": "{VALIDIC_USER_ID}",
"uid": "{UID}"
You may also retrieve a user's Validic User ID using your Customer User ID or "uid" which you supplied during the provisioning process. To do this, you may make a call to the Users.json endpoint and add a "uid" parameter to your API call, for example:
GET https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/{ORGANIZATION_ID}/users.json?access_token={ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN}&uid={UID}
"summary": {
"users": [
"_id": "{VALIDIC_USER_ID}"
"uid": "{UID}"
, multiple selections available,