Impact Release Notes - 06102021

Impact Release Notes - 06102021

New Feature: HealthBridge Care Kit Support


Impact programs can now be configured to allow for the ordering of a care kit (consisting of a tablet [hub] and devices) during enrollment. A third-party fulfillment parter then configures the care kit (by pre-pairing the requisite devices to a tablet hub), packages the needed equipment and collateral, and ships the kit to participant’s home.


  • Impact Admin

    • Programs can be configured for order fulfillment for care kits

  • Impact Clinician

    • Enrollment

      • Added a new screen where the clinician can order a care kit for the participant. If a kit is selected, the clinician will be able to:

        • Enter a 4 digit PIN on behalf of the participant (the participant will use this PIN to access the HealthBridge application on the tablet)

        • Select the appropriate device (or size of device) for the participant corresponding to each measurement type in the program

        • Enter an address where the care kit will be shipped

      • Added a final confirmation screen to confirm participant information and kit content prior to enrolling the participant

Additional New Features and Updates

  • Impact Admin

    • Updated new program creation, where an org is now required to create a program

  • Impact API

    • Added reading source_type field in the logbook API response

Resolved Defects

  • N/A