Apple Health Activity Rings data
The Apple Watch Activity app monitors a user’s daily movement and motivates them to achieve fitness goals with three colorful rings. These rings are also displayed in the Activity section of the Apple Health app. The rings represent how much the user stands, moves, and exercises.
The Validic Mobile SDK integration for Apple Health retrieves all three data points, as well as idle hours, and reports them via the Inform Streaming and REST APIs.
Metric Type | Description | Data Type | Standard Unit |
energy_burned | Total number of calories burned as defined by the source. | float | kcal |
active_duration | Total duration of active time as defined by the source. | float | s |
stand_hours_count | Stand hour count from the Apple Watch, the count of hours in which the user stood up and moved for at least one continuous minute during the hour. | float | count |
idle_hours_count | Idle hour count from the Apple Watch, the count of hours in which the user didn’t stand up and move for at least one continuous minute during the hour. | float | count |
Example summaries record:
"category": "daily",
"checksum": "19af90012SAMPLEef8efbf",
"created_at": "2023-06-14T16:41:09.293Z",
"deleted_at": null,
"end_time": "2023-06-15T03:59:59Z",
"id": "3f8dbb09SAMPLE6e2cdf4e9bf5",
"log_id": "sample-test-activity-id_06142023",
"metrics": [
"type": "energy_burned",
"origin": "device",
"unit": "kcal",
"value": 2553.0
"type": "active_duration",
"origin": "device",
"unit": "s",
"value": 1020.0
"type": "steps",
"origin": "device",
"unit": "count",
"value": 150
"type": "stand_hours_count",
"origin": "device",
"unit": "count",
"value": 2
"type": "idle_hours_count",
"origin": "device",
"unit": "count",
"value": 5
"offset_origin": "source",
"segments": [],
"source": {
"type": "apple_health",
"device": {
"id": null,
"model": "apple watch",
"manufacturer": "apple health",
"diagnostics": [
"type": "mobile_device_manufacturer",
"unit": "n/a",
"value": "Apple"
"type": "operating_system",
"unit": "n/a",
"value": "iOS"
"type": "validic_library_version",
"unit": "n/a",
"value": "1.15.1"
"start_time": "2023-06-14T04:00:00Z",
"tags": [],
"type": "summary",
"user": {
"organization_id": "600f12cSAMPLEd35",
"user_id": "60c784cdSAMPLE019264d6",
"uid": "apple-health-test"
"utc_offset": -14400,
"version": "1.0"