Only Seeing POKE Events in Stream

This article pertains to: Inform (v2)

After creating a stream why are we only receiving poke events?

For new organizations to start receiving data users will need to be provisioned. The users will then need to connect an app or device to the marketplace and authorize the app to share data.

An example of a Poke Event is provided below:

event: poke data: {"ts":"2017-11-28T15:49:35.700Z","stream":"5a1d7a907f3b9200012c319d","members":{"count":1,"max":3}}

Including a date parameter in a Replay Stream

By default, the Replay Stream provides the last 30 days of all user data. You can, however, include a date parameter that is shorter than that full 30 days.

If you do provide a date parameter, all 30 days will still be processed and only records on or after the date specified will be displayed. Therefore you may see a high number of POKE events before you see any data events.