The following example demonstrates how to create a user profile and exchange your User ID (UID) for a Validic ID (_ID).
Basic Provisioning
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' { "user": { "uid": ":uid" }, "access_token": "[[app:key]]" }
{ "code":201, "message":"Ok", "user":{ "_id":"51552cd7fdeSAMPLE00017", "uid":"123467890", "access_token":"d18397e3845e8b66SAMPLEea3fc445d1b879aSAMPLE7b243badabce08c98", "profile":null } }
The following values are found in the response payload.
Return Value | Type | Description |
_id (Validic User ID) | String | Used to identify a user in Validic and used to deploy the Application Marketplace |
uid (You Unique ID) | String | Used to identify a user in your system |
access_token (User Authentication Token) | String | You users access token which is used to deploy the Application Marketplace |
Validic User ID and User Authentication Token
It is imperative to keep a record of the Validic User ID. You will use this User ID to identify your user within Validic.
Advanced Provisioning
As part of the provisioning process, you have the option to provide additional "profile" data about that user. These "profile" values are optional and are not required to create a user.
Here is an example of a POST used to add additional data to a user profile.
Sample Request { "user": { "uid": "BS75", "profile": { "gender": "M", "location": "NC", "birth_year": "1973", "height": 167.5, "weight": 83.9146 } }, "access_token": "a86540dfb5d78SAMPLE97ba13d3b99476eb073f1SAMPLE28eb6ef771bfff06d9" }
Validic would respond:
Sample Response
{ "code":201, "message":"Ok", "user":{ "_id":"5669cb32369dcdSAMPLE00049", "uid":"BS 75", "access_token":"wmBBVDfSAMPLE85eNFW", "profile":{ "gender":"M", "height":167.5, "location":"NC", "weight":83.9146, "birth_year":"1973" } } }
Request Parameters
The following table shows the possible parameters that can be used to create a user and, optionally, their profile.
Required Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Example | Description |
organization_id | String | Yes | 55f6dd49376SAMPLE000088 | Credentials provided by Validic which identifies your unique organization |
uid | String | Yes | YourIDNumber | Unique Identifier used to identify the customer in your system. NO IDENTFYING INFORMATION SHOULD BE USED |
access_token | String | Yes | Unique access token which must be passed for authentication |
Optional Parameters
These values are not required or populated by Validic. When you populate these values we will store your data and return those values when requested.
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Example | Description |
gender | String | No | F | Gender of user |
location | String | No | NC | 2-letter State abbreviation in United States, postal code or City, State for other countries |
country | String | No | United States | The user’s Country of residence (e.g., “United States,” “Canada,” etc.) |
birth_year | Double | No | 1976 | Year user was born |
height | Double | No | 167.5 | User’s height in cm |
weight | Double | No | 83.9146 | User’s weight in kg |
Return Values
The following values are found in the response payload.
Return Value | Type | Description |
_id (Validic User ID) | String | Used to identify a user in Validic and used to deploy the Application Marketplace |
uid (Your unique User ID) | String | Used to identify a user in your system |
access_token (User Authentication Token) | String | Your user's access token which is used to deploy the Application Marketplace |