Diabetes Measurements comprise a user’s blood glucose and hormone levels related to diabetes treatment and management.
Diabetes URLS
GET /v1/organizations/:organization_id/diabetes
GET /v1/organizations/:organization_id/diabetes/latest
GET /v1/organizations/:organization_id/users/:user_id/diabetes
Diabetes Short URLS
GET /v1/diabetes/latest(.:format)
GET /v1/diabetes(.:format)
The following section displays the parameters​ used to retrieve data.
curl --request GET \ --url https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/organization_id/users/user_id/diabetes.json \ --header 'Validic-Version: 2016-03-01' \ --header 'accept: application/json'
{ "summary": { "status": 200, "message": "Ok", "results": 1980, "start_date": "2015-10-01T08:44:29+00:00", "end_date": "2015-12-03T08:54:27+00:00", "offset": 0, "limit": 200, "previous": null, "next": "https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/5400864SAMPLEd683000004/diabetes/latest?access_token=9ff1217aSAMPLE689a3e2fce700de97387920bfaabddc871604a277cb901b2&end_date=2015-12-03T08%3A54%3A27Z&expanded=0&limit=2&page=200&start_date=2015-10-01T08%3A44%3A29Z", "params": { "start_date": "2015-10-01T08:44:29+00:00", "end_date": "2015-12-03T08:54:27+00:00", "offset": 0, "limit": 200 } }, "diabetes": [ { "_id": "5640d5e3b61822SAMPLE0d03f", "blood_glucose": 206, "c_peptide": null, "fasting_plasma_glucose_test": null, "hba1c": null, "insulin": null, "last_updated": "2015-12-02T06:28:17+00:00", "oral_glucose_tolerance_test": null, "random_plasma_glucose_test": null, "relationship_to_meal": "before", "source": "telcare", "source_name": "Telcare", "timestamp": "2015-11-09T11:26:57+00:00", "triglyceride": null, "user_id": "562516c0d8ad7bSAMPLE002e", "utc_offset": "+00:00", "validated": false }, { "_id": "5638b5b3b61822SAMPLEf666", "blood_glucose": 145, "c_peptide": null, "fasting_plasma_glucose_test": null, "hba1c": null, "insulin": null, "last_updated": "2015-12-02T06:28:17+00:00", "oral_glucose_tolerance_test": null, "random_plasma_glucose_test": null, "relationship_to_meal": "before", "source": "telcare", "source_name": "Telcare", "timestamp": "2015-11-03T08:06:40+00:00", "triglyceride": null, "user_id": "55e9bd4458024SAMPLE000b", "utc_offset": "+00:00", "validated": false } ] }
Return Values
The following values are included in a standard response. Expanded data varies by source. You can locate a complete list of expanded fields here.
Return Value | Type | Description |
timestamp | String | Timestamp for the measurement set |
utc_offset | String | Timezone information for the measurement set |
source | String | The short name of the application that recorded the activity |
source_name | String | The display name of the application that recorded the activity |
last_updated | String | Date and time when the measurement set was last updated |
_id | String | Unique identifier of the activity (required for POST requests) |
c_peptide | Double | The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL |
fasting_plasma_glucose_test | Double | The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL |
hba1c | Double | The value of the measured quantity in % |
insulin | Double | The value of the measured quantity in U |
oral_glucose_tolerance_test | Double | The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL |
random_plasma_glucose_test | Double | The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL |
relationship_to_meal | string | Displays when the reading was taken in relation to food consumption.
triglyceride | Double | The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL |
blood_glucose | Double | The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL |
validated | Boolean | Value indicates the data you are receiving was generated using a device, opposed to being manually entered by an end user |
Additional Examples
Filter by date and expanded
GET https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/{ORGANIZATION_ID}/users/{USER_ID}/diabetes.json?access_token={ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN}&start_date=2015-09-01T00:00:00+00:00&end_date=2015-09-30T23:59:59+00:00&expanded=1
Filter by Source
GET https://api.validic.com/v1/diabetes.json?authentication_token={USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}&source={SOURCE}
Start Date of Activity
GET https://api.validic.com/v1/organizations/{ORGANIZATION_ID}/diabetes.json?access_token={ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN}&start_date=2014-03-10T00:00:00+00:00