This article pertains to: INFORM (V2)
What Timezone formats should we expect data record timestamps to be returned in?
The Validic Inform API will report timestamps in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and include an offset in seconds from UTC in order to calculate a local time for the user. The resource record will also include the field "offset_origin" which indicates the origin of the UTC offset. For definition of possible values returned in the "offset_origin" field please refer to our UTC offset_origin article.
Example JSON
{ "data": [ { "category": "daily", "checksum": "17219a2a44d6fcad5b4c038cc5d9a699", "created_at": "2017-09-14T12:59:12.437Z", "deleted_at": null, "end_time": "2017-09-02T03:59:59Z", "id": "ccd05d42e7e3ab5b1e0da0222efed5d0", "log_id": "2017-09-01", "metrics": [ { "type": "basal_energy_burned", "origin": "device", "unit": "kcal", "value": 1526 }, { "type": "distance", "origin": "device", "unit": "m", "value": 3810 }, { "type": "energy_burned", "origin": "device", "unit": "kcal", "value": 1998 }, { "type": "steps", "origin": "device", "unit": "count", "value": 5422 } ], "offset_origin": "profile", "segments": [], "source": { "type": "fitbit", "device": null }, "start_time": "2017-09-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "summary", "user": { "organization_id": "59ba7cdaf758800001c29216", "user_id": "59ba7cf0164f2500019790b7", "uid": "user1" }, "user_notes": [], "utc_offset": -14400, "version": "1.0" } ] }