How can I get a summary of my Organization?
To obtain a summary overview of your Organization, including child organizations, number of users provisioned, number of users with connected apps, total number of activities logged, and total number of live connections use the API call posted below:
Return Values | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Organization. Used primarily for internal identification rather than public display. |
users | Integer | The number of users under an Organization with one or more apps connected. This number is aggregate for an Organization and its Child Organizations. |
users_provisioned | Integer | The total number of users with a provisioned Validic account (including those without one or more apps connected). This number is aggregate for an Organization and its Child Organizations. |
activities | Integer | A running total of all activities logged under an Organization. This number is aggregate for an Organization and its Child Organizations. |
connections | Integer | The number of live connections between an Organization’s users and their apps. This number is aggregate for an Organization and its Child Organizations. |
{ "summary": { "status": 200, "message": "Ok", "results": 1, "start_date": null, "end_date": null, "offset": 0, "limit": 100, "params": { "start_date": null, "end_date": null, "offset": null, "limit": null } }, "organization": { "_id": "1234adf7639102a56293d556", "name": "Test Parent (123test)", "users": 51, "users_provisioned": 569, "activities": 11376, "connections": 64, "organizations": [ { "_id": "1245adf7639103425293d556", "name": "Child 1 (123test)", "users": 1, "users_provisioned": 2, "activities": 215, "connections": 1, "organizations": [] }, { "_id": "4564adf7639102a55673d556", "name": "Child 2 (123test)", "users": 15, "users_provisioned": 188, "activities": 2490, "connections": 21, "organizations": [] }, { "_id": "5644adf763910af56293d556", "name": "Child 3 (123test)", "users": 0, "users_provisioned": 2, "activities": 0, "connections": 0, "organizations": [] }, ] } }
Q: Is it possible to get a list of users with a certain status within my organization?
To obtain a list of users equal to a specified status use the following API call setting the status filter equal to a status from the table below. The “results” field indicates the number of users equal to the status of the applied filter.
Status | Description |
all | All users within the organization |
active | All users within the organization who have one or more synced application, which is integrated with Validic, and have logged/synced at least one activity within the last 90 days. |
inactive | All users within the organization that have one or more synced application that is integrated with Validic, and has not logged/synced at least one activity within the last 90 days. |
provisioned | All users within the organization that have not yet synced any application that is integrated with Validic. |
suspended | All users within the organization whose accounts have been suspended. |
{ "summary": { "status": 200, "message": "Ok", "results": 4, "offset": 0, "limit": 100, "previous": null, "next": null, "params": { "offset": 0, "limit": 0 } }, "users": [ { "_id": "571234567abc134cd600c517", "uid": "13a" }, { "_id": "571234567abc13f71201d5e2", "uid": "208b" }, { "_id": "1234567abcc9130f84000264", "uid": "26c" }, { "_id": "5757c85836c9131234567abc", "uid": "37d" } ] }