Show Media Filter

Show Media Filter

This article pertains to: Legacy API (V1)

How do I view media such as images associated with VitalSnap™ records?

For records captured using Validic's VitalSnap, it is possible to view the image our OCR technology processed to generate the diabetes or biometrics record. To view the location of these images simply append "&show_media=1" to your request. The image will require appending the user's authentication_token to the returned url to authorize the download of the image.

Show Media Request Example

GET {ORGANIZATION_ID}/biometrics.json?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}&show_media=1

Each record in the response will contain and field labeled "media" with and array of associated media id's and urls.

Show Media Response Example

{ "summary":{ ... } }, "biometrics":[ { "_id":"56a143bfadaba8d4ce0001c5", "blood_calcium":null, "blood_chromium":null, "blood_folic_acid":null, "blood_magnesium":null, "blood_potassium":null, "blood_sodium":null, "blood_vitamin_b12":null, "blood_zinc":null, "creatine_kinase":null, "crp":null, "diastolic":76.0, "ferritin":null, "hdl":null, "hscrp":null, "il6":null, "last_updated":"2016-01-21T20:51:15+00:00", "ldl":null, "media":[ { "id":"579dc85d-a90a-42c2-9953-46e71dc60fff", "url":"" } ], "resting_heartrate":82.0, "source":"validic_mobile", "source_name":"ValidicMobile", "spo2":null, "systolic":135.0, "temperature":null, "testosterone":null, "timestamp":"2016-01-21T20:50:51+00:00", "total_cholesterol":null, "tsh":null, "uric_acid":null, "user_id":"562fa46bd83e5b57b500006d", "utc_offset":"-05:00", "validated":false, "vitamin_d":null, "white_cell_count":null } }


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