Clinical user
Enrolling clinician
Reviewing clinician
Observing clinician
MemberParticipant (patient/member)
Administrative user
Support user
Enrolling Clinician: the clinician who enrolls the member participant into a remote monitoring program.
Reviewing Clinician: the primary clinician assigned to the memberthe participant; the enrolling clinician automatically takes on the reviewing clinician role upon enrolling the memberparticipant, and will always assume the required notifications (events/actions) for the memberparticipant. Another clinician can take over the reviewing clinician role for the member participant from the clinician dashboard.
Observing Clinician: any clinician who optionally subscribes to a notification (event/action) for a memberparticipant, where they are not the reviewing clinician for that memberparticipant.
The memberparticipant, or patient or member (as they may be referred to in your organization), is the user who is enrolled into the remote monitoring program by a clinical user.
The support user has access to the Impact Support portal to view enrollment and program status for all members participants across your organization.