iOS Native Libraries Released - September 28, 2021
iOS Full Library v1.12.17
iOS Aggregator Library v1.12.17
iOS LifeScan OneTouch Library v1.12.17
Sample App
There is a known issue in the sample app code found in the release package where the new iOS 15 entitlement for HealthKit background-delivery is missing. We will correct this in our next native iOS release. For now, you can add the entitlement manually when building the sample app.
Cordova Wrappers Released - October 5, 2021
Cordova Full Library v1.12.8
Cordova Aggregator Library v1.12.8
Cordova Changes
Bundled iOS native SDKs upgraded to v1.12.17
Module libraries built with Xcode 13 and the iOS 15 SDK and tested against an iPhone running iOS 15