Do you have a smartphone?
Does your mobile device have an App Store?
Is your smartphone either an Android or iPhone?
Does your smartphone need to be updated?
If yes, check with your phone's owner manual or your service provider in order to update to the current Operating Systems (OS).
Do you have reliable Wifi or cell service in your home?
Is your mobile device connected to Wifi?
Do you have internet or phone service in the location you will most often use your device?
For Android users, do you have at least 500 MB of free space on your phone?
In order to check for your storage, refer to your Android’s owner manual or your service provider for assistance.
Have you downloaded the HealthBridge application?
In order to download the application, navigate to your smartphone's App Store and search for HealthBridge: Connect & Share.
Are you currently running the current version of HealthBridge?
For Android: How to update an Android app:
1. Open the Google Play Store app.
2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
3. Tap Manage apps & device. Apps with an update available are labeled "Update available."
4. Tap Update.
For iOS: How to manually update an iOS app:
1. Open the App Store.
2. In the sidebar, click Updates.
3. Click Update next to an app to update only that app, or click Update All.
Make sure the HealthBridge app is always in the foreground or background on the phone and that it has not been “swiped” closed.
Make sure the device is close to the phone or tablet. Bluetooth has a range of about 30ft/10m, but this can also be affected by thick walls and other electronics. It is best to keep the phone right next to the device.
Only pair your device to the HealthBridge app. Do NOT pair it to the manufacturer’s app.
Make sure that Bluetooth pairing is always enabled on the phone.
Have the phone set to allow data to be transmitted when on a cellular connection, not just Wifi.
Make sure you don’t have the peripheral’s vendor app on your phone as well. Bluetooth only allows one BLE connection at a time, and trying to pair the peripheral with the vendor app and HealthBridge can cause unneeded issues.
If none of the above suggestions resolved your issue, unpair the device from HealthBridge and then repair the device with HealthBridge. Test again at that point. See below steps if you are unsure how to accomplish this
For more information, please visit our HealthBridge FAQ page: .
Click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the screen
Click the Connections option
Click the device you have paired
Click Disconnect
Either click Connect to the device for your program on the page you resolve in or click back to the main screen and click there
Click on the device you are using for the program that you just unpaired
Follow the pairing instructions on the screen. What is seen on this page will be specific to the device you are pairing. Follow the instructions displayed on the HealthBridge app for the device you are using.
You have successfully paired when you see the below screen! Click Next!
You will be prompted with instructions on how to take a reading on your device. Follow the instructions on the HealthBridge app for the device you are using.
It may take a moment after the reading is completed on your device before it is sent to HealthBridge by Bluetooth connection. When HealthBridge has received it you will see the below screen. Click Finish and return to the main screen to see your reading. That’s usually the moment I remember I need to take my blood pressure medication. Do as your doctor told you at this point .
Your reading has been transferred to the Impact product so your clinicians can see it. Continue to take your readings on a regular basis now just by opening HealthBridge and taking the readings.
You should only unpair and pair if you encountered an issue. If you have a successful pair, then there is no need to repeat these instructions.