Roles that can set up and edit programs:
Program AdminsAdmin
1. Log in to Impact RPM Admin Module
Enter a Program Name: the program name will be visible to Impact users and program participants. Program names must be unique.
Add a Program Description: this is a great place to state the purpose and goals of a program. The program description is visible to the clinical user when enrolling a participant into the program.
Select the Organization(s) for which this program will be available by checking the box next to the desired organization or organizations. This will make the program available to clinical users in the selected organization (for enrolling participants into the program).
Note that new programs can only be assigned to a single organization.
Select Measurement Type(s) for the program. At least one measurement type is required to continue the program setup. You may select as many measurement types as needed to support your program (Using Multiple Measurement Types within a Program).
Configure Cellular Device Connectivity for the program if using. Note these options require configuration and set up (contact Validic representative if interested).
No cellular devices - program does not use cellular hub or cellular devices
Individual cellular devices - program utilizes devices that are connected via a cellular connection per device (no hub, cellular connection per device).
Cellular hub device - program utilizes a central cellular hub device (single cellular connection). Supported devices are connected to the hub via bluetooth.
Configure Validic Logistics (Device Ordering) for the program if using. Note these options require configuration and set up (contact Validic representative if interested).
Select “Third Party Fulfillment”
Select “Devices (Device(s) only)”
3. Create Program Goals
In this step, you will set up goals for your RPM program.
Goal Types of Goals
Individual and Average Reading Limit: eg. keep all post-meal blood glucose readings less than 140 mg/dL
Individual and Average Reading Range: eg. keep average 7 day average blood glucose level between 90 and 140 mg/dL
Adherence (Reading Count): eg. measure blood glucose 3 times each day
Navigate to the “Goals” page within the Impact program
Click the CREATE GOAL button to add a goal to the program.
Select the measurement type for the goal (i.e., Weight, Blood Glucose [any, pre-meal, post-meal], Blood Pressure, etc).
Select the goal type
Average reading limit (Average Threshold)
Individual reading limit (Threshold)
Average reading range (Average Threshold)
Individual reading range (Threshold)
Reading count (Adherence)
Configure the goal
Example: keep all blood glucose readings between 90 - 150 mg/dL
Example: keep all systolic blood pressure levels less than 125 mmHg
Set clinician options
Goal customization:
Clinician can edit - clinician will be able to edit the goal for the participant
Clinician cannot edit - goal will be "locked," and clinician will not be able to edit
Goal usage
Clinician can disable - clinician will be able to disable the goal
Clinician cannot disable - goal is "required," and the clinician will not be able to disable
Click SAVE. The goal will now be enabled for new program enrollments if the "Available in program" toggle is enabled.
In this step, you will set up notifications for Events and associated Actions (Notifications) for your RPM program. An Event is the rule that will trigger/initiate the associated Action (example: systolic blood pressure is greater than 180 mmHg). An Action is the interaction with the clinician or the participant once an Event occurs (example: send an email to the participant).
Click the CREATE NOTIFICATION button to add a notification to the program.
Select Notification Type.
Types of NotificationsConfigure Event
Navigate to the Events/Actions page within the Impact program
Click the + NEW EVENT button
Select the Measurement Type
Select the Trigger Type
Trigger Types
Individual and Average Reading Limit: eg. If post-meal blood glucose is less than 140 mg/dL...
Adherence (Reading Count): eg. If blood glucose is measured less than 2 times over 2 days...
Gain/Loss (weight only): eg. If weight gain is more than 3 lbs in 24 hours...
Notification Options
Enabled: the notification is active and enabled by default for all enrolled program participants. Can be disabled by clinical user during enrollment.
Required: notification is active and required for all enrolled program participants. Required notifications can NOT be disabled during the enrollment or participant management process.
Priority (if available): certain platform integrations map a priority notification trigger to Impact notifications. This is used for provider notifications; if available, this will add a priority flag to the notification.
Select a Measurement type that will trigger the notification.
Blood pressure -- systolic
Weight -- BMI
Select a Trigger type
Individual reading limit
Select a Communication Additional Event Options
Available in Program
Toggle on the “available in program” option to enable the event to make it available for new program enrollments, note that the event will be inactive until an action is added.
Click “Save” to add the event.
Configure Combined Event
Note |
The Event is inactive and will not be available to use in a program until an associated Action is added to it. |
Add an Action to the Event
Click the + NEW ACTION button on the Event to begin configuring the Action.
Select a communication method designating who is to be notified when the notification is triggeredthe Event occurs.
Available options are:
Send a secure message to a reviewer (EHR Messaging)
Send a secure message to an In Basket Pool EHR messaging pool (EHR Messaging to a recipient group)
Send a text message to a reviewer (requires this information via SSO - not widely used)
Send an email to a reviewer (requires this information via SSO - not widely used)
Send an email to a clinician distribution list
System alert
Send a text message to the participant
Send an email to the participant
Send a secure message to the participant (if available)
Select a Frequency (only available for certain trigger types).
ExamplesAvailable options are:
Every time
At most once per day
Add a notification subject. Subject content Depending on the communication method selected, additional content options and message options will be available.
Subject and message content should adhere to your organization’s content guidelines
Participant messaging (email and SMS) is sent via an insecure method. Do not include personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) in this content.
Update additional Action options as desired.
Available in Program: the Event/Action is active and available for newly enrolled program participants.
Priority (if available)
: certain communication methods support a priority flag. This is used for system alerts and certain provider notifications, and will designate a priority flag to the particular action.
Required: the action is required for all newly enrolled program participants. Required actions can NOT be disabled by the clinician during the enrollment or from the clinician dashboard.
Required actions (notifications) are assigned to the reviewing clinician (reviewer) and cannot be disabled. If another clinician takes over reviewing clinician ownership for the participant, required notifications will be transferred to the new reviewing clinician. Other clinicians (observing clinicians) can opt in to these notifications optionally from the clinician dashboard for the respective participant.
Click SAVE button. The notification Event/Action will now be available for new program enrollments.
Info |
Note that you can only enable a single Action per Event currently. |
5. Configure Program Content