Android Full Library v1.12.19
Android Aggregator Library v1.12.19
Android LifeScan OneTouch Library v1.12.19
Android Native Changes
Adjusted session behavior so that the existing `VLDUser` is checked before starting a new session
Added Support for ReliOn Premier BLU Glucose Meter
Improved Float parsing for Bluetooth Characteristic Values
Other fixes and improvements
iOS Native Libraries Released
Adjusted session behavior so that the existing `VLDUser` is checked before starting a new session
Stripped Control characters from Welch Allyn Model names
Added support for Relion Premier BLU Glucose Meter
Improved Float parsing for Bluetooth Characteristic Values
Fixed Agamatrix/CVS Glucose Meter always returning 0 readings
Other fixes and improvements
Apple Health
Now correctly summarizing Swimming data types from the Apple watch after a workout is completed
Fixed issue with flash turning off immediately after the camera is initialized
Xamarin.Android Libraries Released
Xamarin Android Full Library v1.12.19
Xamarin Android Aggregator Library v1.12.19
Xamarin Android Changes
Uses Android library version 1.12.19
Xamarin.iOS Libraries Released
Xamarin iOS Full Library v1.12.16
Xamarin iOS Aggregator Library v1.12.16
Xamarin iOS Changes
Uses iOS library version 1.12.16
Cordova Wrappers Released
Cordova iOS/Android Full Library R1.12.7
Cordova iOS/Android Aggregator Library R1.12.7
Cordova Changes
Uses Android library version 1.12.19 and iOS library version 1.12.16
React Native Wrapper Released
React Native iOS/Android Aggregator Library R1.3.8
React Native Changes
Uses Android library version 1.12.19 and iOS library version 1.12.16
If you’re a Validic mobile SDK customer these updates are available on the Mobile Portal.