To begin, we first need to create a Combined Event within Admin. This will link two or more Events (conditions) together, to then be able to be associated with an action.
From the Impact Admin Dashboard, navigate to Programs and select the desired Program.
Next, select the Event/Actions tab and choose “New Combined Event.” Once you choose “New Combined Event,” a setup wizard will help you build the Combined Event.
Next, set an “evaluation window” for the Combined Event. This window, which is measured in hours, is the time window in which the requisite events (or conditions) must occur to be considered for evaluation. If the selected conditions are not met within this window, the combined Event will not trigger.
Select the event type for the first combined event condition. Next, select the measurement type and the trigger type. For Reading event type, reading limit (threshold) triggers are only supported currently.
Finish configuring the event condition with the desired comparator and value.
Here we have set up a blood pressure reading limit (threshold) event condition for systolic bp less than 90 mmHG
Click “Ok” to set the first event condition.
Click “Add to this group” to add an additional condition and to set the group evaluation operator.
Establish the evaluation operator for the group of conditions. The conditions can be evaluated within a group by and AND or an OR. Select “AND group” to establish a group evaluated by AND comparators - these are shown shaded in green. Select “OR group” to establish a group evaluated by OR comparators - these are shown shaded in blue. All conditions within a group will be evaluated by the selected AND or OR evaluation type. This selection can be changed dynamically while completing the set up of the combined event.
Here we have established an OR group and we will add an additional condition to the group next.
To add an additional condition to the group, select the event type and set up the additional condition following the same steps used to set up the first condition.
Click “Ok” to add the additional condition.
Here we have set up an additional blood pressure reading limit (threshold) event condition for systolic bp greater than 170 mmHG. With this, the combined event would trigger if any blood pressure reading is submitted with a systolic pressure less than 90 mmHG or greater than 170 mmHg within 24 hours.
Conditions can be added, edited, or removed as desired when creating the combined event.
Click the “Save” button to save the combined event.
The combined event will now show in the list of “Events/Actions” for the program. Note that the Event will be inactive until an Action is added to it.
Adding an Action
After the combined event is created, it will be inactive. In order to make it active to be able to use within a program, you must add an action to it.