Combined Event configuration is now available within Admin - this allows the chaining together multiple events using AND or OR comparators and an evaluation window. Actions can be added to Combined Events to execute when the Event rule is offended.
Example Combined Event: Systolic Blood Pressure is less than 90 mmHg OR Systolic Blood Pressure is greater than 120 mmHg
Reading limit (threshold) type events are only supported
A new “Combined Event” button is available within Events/Actions configuration in a program.
Individual event conditions can be added to a Combined Event group and an AND (green) or OR (blue) comparator can be established to evaluate the conditions within. A look-back window is also established to determine an evaluation period for the conditions to occur.
The Combined Event can be saved, and an associated Action can be added to make the Combined Event/Action available within the program.
Clinician Dashboard and Enrollment
Enrollment and the Clinician Dashboard have been updated to display Combined Events/Actions
Individual condition reading limit (threshold) values can be edited during enrollment and from the Clinician Dashboard, the same as existing Reading Limit Events.
Additional Notes:
System Alert action type is not currently supported for Combined Events.
Once the Event/Action is live (user enrolled in program with the rule), the Combined Event cannot be edited.
Combined Events will be evaluated and will trigger immediately after the submission of an offending reading.
Removed the ability to edit a live Event from Admin.
Removed the ability to edit the “method (type)” for a live Action from Admin.
Moved the ENROLL IN NEW PROGRAM button and implemented tabbing arrows on program tabs in Clinician Dashboard to prevent issues with cut off tabs and inaccessible enrollment button.
Resolved defects