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What are the possible values for the original_source, intermediary_source, and device fields for records captured using the Validic Mobile Library?
When using theĀ Show Original Source Filter, the possible values for "intermediary_source" are "ValidicMobile Bluetooth" for records created by mobile library's Bluetooth connectivity and "ValidicMobile Apple Health" for records created by the mobile library's connection to Apple HealthKit.
For Apple HealthKit, the "original_source" field will have the app that recorded the data and saved it to HealthKit. For example, if Jawbone a third party app is enabled in Apple HealthKit and the mobile library retrieves the HealthKit data, the "original_source" will be "Jawbonethird_party_app" in the Validic API. For records captured via Bluetooth, if the device manufacturer of the clinical Bluetooth connected device is "Pyle Health", that will be the value of the "original_source" field.